Well-developed cycle routes and difficult mountain cycle trails in the High Tatras offer relaxation and adventures with healthy Tatra air for all recreational or ambitious mountain cyclists.
There are cycle routes ideal for families with children, recreational cyclists, but also routes for professional cyclists, which are one of the most difficult ones in Slovakia. The most challenging ones offering the most beautiful views include routes to the Chalet at Zelené pleso (tarn), Hrebienok, mountain hotel Sliezsky dom or Popradské pleso (tarn).
The region of the High Tatras offers 39 marked or recommended cycle routes at the foothills mainly. Individual marking colours define the level of difficulty so that everyone can choose his/her ideal cycle trip:
TOP cykle routes in the High Tatras
Red colour
marks the main cycle routes – long distance routes that lead through several districts and even regions. It is mostly through river valleys or across mountains, introducing the most attractive places of the countryside to the cyclists. They are usually less difficult. The criteria of difficulty are not specified, though.
If you follow the red marking, you will set out for a 21 km-long route from Lysá Poľana through Tatranská Javorina up to Tatranská Lomnica.
Tatranská Lomnica is the starting point for another, quite difficult 36 km-long cycle route along the so called “Cesta Slobody” (Road of Freedom).
There is a 22 km-long route from Biely potok (brook) along CM 034 and CM 021, in the direction of Poprad.
One more cycle route starts at Biely potok and leads along CM 008 and CM 021, in the direction of Spišské Bystré and Hranovnica. Before Betlanovce, it continues to Košice Self-governing Region. It is 33.5 km long.
Blue colour
marks routes parallel to long distance cycle routes. These are longer or more difficult routes outside the main cycle routes.
From Biele Vody (car park), you can follow route no. 2 (7.4 km) to get to Zelené pleso (tarn).
From Tatranské Matliare to Tatranská Lomnica (5 km).
From Tatranská Lomnica to Stará Lesná (8.5 km).
There is route no. 6 (3 km) from Smokovec to Hrebienok.
And one-way mountain route no. 9 (7 km) to Sliezsky dom (mountain hotel).
If you follow one-way mountain route no. 10 (6.4 km) from Štrbské pleso (tarn), you will get to Popradské pleso (tarn).
From Kôprová dolina (valley), there is one-way mountain route no. 11 (7 km) leading to Kmeťov vodopád (waterfall) and
a 3.5 km one-way mountain route from Bielovodská dolina (valley).
Green colour
marks medium and difficult routes, keep-healthy rounds and family routes.
From Nadbanské (CM 004), there is a one-way 12 km-long mountain route leading through Tichá dolina (valley).
If you feel like trying a shorter route, there is a one-way 5 km-long mountain route from Tatranská Lomnica to the cable car mid-station Štart.
If you follow a green route from Tatranská Lomnica, you will get to Veľká Lomnica after 7 km.
Yellow colour
marks connections between cycle routes or short turnings to various natural, historical and technological attractions.
There is a route in forest terrain around Nová Lesná in the direction of Dolný Smokovec, which joins blue marking 2860 before Nová Lesná. This route is 11 km long.
Another interesting route leads across the Slovak-Polish border – from Podspády to Jurgow. It is 3 km long on the Slovak side and 5 km long in Poland.
A nice 11 km-long cycle route leads from Lopušná dolina (valley) to the village of Spišská Teplica and joins CM 008. The route across Lopušná dolina is approx. 1.8 km long. This route includes the whole asphalt road Svit – Poprad.
Read important information about the best cycle routes in the Tatras, details of individual routes and suggested 1-day trips.
Discover the sunlit Tatras from a bike saddle!
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