Regional SKI & AQUA BUSES will be available primarily for skiers and GOPASS card holders in the winter season to transport them comfortably and for free to the ski resorts: Tatranská Lomnica, Štrbské Pleso and to the AquaCityPoprad water park. Selected ski bus lines will be in operation from December 7, 2024 – April 22, 2025, according to the attached schedules.
ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO – Linka 1a – shuttle bus
Štrbské Pleso, central car park – ski resort
The line shuttles DAILY from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm between 7.12.2024 and 31.03.2025 LONG WEEKENDS: 5.-6.4.2025, 12.-13.04.2025, 17.-22.04.2025
based on the following timetable:
Štrbské Pleso SKI BUS helpline +421 910 448 970
*If shuttle SKI BUSES are not fully occupied, walking tourists can use them too, but passengers with ski equipment have always priority access.
ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO – Linka 1b – Hotel line
Pleso guest house – bus stop above the Litvor guest house – SHB hostel – Patria Hotel **** – ski resort
The line runs DAILY from 25.12 to 09.03.2025
LONG WEEKENDS: 14.-15.12.2024, 21.-22.12.2024, 15.-16.03.2025, 22.-23.3.2025, 29.-30.3.2025, 05.-06.04.2025, 12.-13.04.2025 based on the following timetable:
Štrbské Pleso SKI BUS helpline +421 910 448 970
Line 2: Tatranská Polianka – Tatranské Zruby – Nový Smokovec – Starý Smokovec – Horný Smokovec – Tatranská Lesná – Tatranská Lomnica, ski resort and back
The line runs DAILY from 26.12.2024 to 09.3.2025 – based on the following timetable:
SKIBUS helpline direction Tatranská Lomnica +421 919 167 520
Line 3: Aquacity, Poprad – Veľká Lomnica – Stará Lesná – Tatranská Lomnica – 1x before noon, 2x in the afternoon
Line 3 runs DAILY from 26.12.2024 to 7.1.2025 and from 15.2. to 09.3.2025.
WEEKENDS: Saturday, Sunday: 11.1.2025 – 15.2.2025 – based on the following timetable:
SKIBUS helpline direction Tatranská Lomnica +421 919 167 520
SKIBUS helpline direction Tatranská Lomnica +421 919 167 520
TATRANSKÁ LOMNICA – line 4 – shuttle bus to the ski resort
Ski resort – Aplend Beatrice guest house – Vila Zea – railway station car park – Kremenec – 1. máj hostel – car park at a football pitch – Sorea Hutník Hotel – bus station – ski resort
The line shuttles DAILY from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm from 26.12.2024 to 7.1.2025 and from 15.2. to 09.3.2025 – based on the following timetable:
SKIBUS helpline direction Tatranská Lomnica +421 919 167 520
The ski bus will run to the railway station too and the arrival/departure times are set so that passengers can change to/from the Tatra Electric Railway.
* If shuttle SKI BUSES are not fully occupied, walking tourists can use them too, but passengers with ski equipment have always priority access.
SKI & AQUA BUSES serve primarily for skiers and GOPASS card holders (if a shuttle SKI BUS in the Štrbské Pleso and Tatranská Lomnica resorts is not fully occupied, walking tourists can use it too).
We therefore ask all passengers to behave with consideration when getting on and off individual buses. Passengers with ski equipment have priority access.
In the case of bad weather when cable cars in ski resorts do not operate, ski buses operate only in a limited way or not at all. For the latest information about the bus operation, please ask your accommodation provider, in information centres, visit, or read our morning Newsletter.
The operator of SKI & AQUA BUS transport reserves the right to change the timetables due to bad weather, technical problems with individual buses and/or other unexpected circumstances. Please ask your accommodation provider about the latest changes as for the transport operation.
The SKI & AQUA BUS helpline is available daily from 7.12.2024 to 22.4.2025 only while the buses travel, i.e. from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
For more information about the ski resorts in the High Tatras, please click HERE!
The ski buses are operated by OOCR Región Vysoké Tatry (tourism organisation) and with financial support from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic.
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