Mountain insurance

Stay safe in the mountains with mountain insurance

Enjoy hiking adventures in the High Tatras with mountain insurance as a recreational tourist, a climber, a ski tourer or an adrenalin athlete.

With a well chosen mountain insurance type, there won’t be any unpleasant surprise. Take out mountain insurance and protect yourself for the case of unforeseen events and injuries.

There are 2 mountain insurance categories that insurance companies offer:

  • – basic (regular tourists, hiking along marked trails)
  • – extreme (climbing, ski touring, other adrenalin sports)

Even a small injury that happens in the mountains can cost you a lot because regular public health or travel insurance doesn’t cover the costs of the Mountain Rescue Service related to rescuing or searching. The so called “technical action” costs (transport on stretchers, searching, air transport) has to be paid by every individual who happens to be in the mountains. This obligation does not apply to the minors – children and individuals without legal capacity.


From 1st June 2020, every person who stays at an accommodation establishment in the town of Vysoké Tatry and is registered as a guest paying the local accommodation tax is collectively insured for search and rescue by the Mountain Rescue Service.

The town of Vysoké Tatry consists of settlements that stretch from Tatranská Kotlina to Popradské Pleso. Don’t forget to check with your accommodation provider if they are registered for the local tax in the town of Vysoké Tatry. Please note that Štrbské Pleso does not belong to the town of Vysoké Tatry! 

Every person who stays at an accommodation establishment in the town of Vysoké Tatry and pays the local tax is automatically insured for any Mountain Rescue Service activity.

The GENERALI mountain insurance can be taken out in the Tatra information centres.

Visit our Tatra information centres in Starý Smokovec and Tatranská Lomnica or the information centre in Štrbské Pleso, where the staff will personally advise you which type of the mountain insurance (basic vs. extreme) is the best for you. You can take out insurance for a specific number of days or for the whole year.

Insurance of various insurance companies can be taken out also online from home, e.g.:

Safety comes first in the mountains so don’t hesitate and take out the mountain insurance.

Don’t forget to call 18 300 in the event of an accident in the mountains or use the Mountain Rescue Service mobile app that helps localise you. |

Mountain Rescue Service emergency number: 18 300


  • – the latest updates about conditions in the mountains always available
  • – can call help if you need it