Virtual race

Running and Nordic walking enthusiasts who like to race, but for various reasons could not participate in the original races, have the opportunity to complete the Virtual race all year round. Registration and sending of the record of the route in the prescribed format according to propositions is the condition of the participation. Participants receive a starter pack, a medal or badge and compete for valuable prizes.Nadšenci behu a nordic walkingu, ktorí radi pretekajú, ale z rôznych dôvodov sa nemohli zúčastniť originálnych pretekov majú možnosť v Tatrách absolvovať tzv. Virtuálne preteky. Ide o celoročnú aktivitu, pričom podmienkou účasti je registrácia a zaslanie záznamu prejdenia trasy v predpísanom formáte podľa propozícií. Účastníci získajú štartovací balíček, účastnícku medailu alebo odznak a súťažia o hodnotné ceny.

How does it work?

1)  Register

If you want to participate, you must register on the website

2) Pick a trail

At pick a racing trail that you want to participate in.

Each participant can pick their own trail according to their tastes and it doesn´t have to be just one – he or she can pick several or even all trails. The start of the race is individual. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the trail that you selected.

3) Complete the trail using GPS

Complete the trail and track your performance through a GPS device.

Complete the trail however you want and track your performance using a GPS device. When on the trail, please heed visitors regulations of TANAP and weather conditions.

4) Upload the result

Upload your result as a gpx file on

Upload the gpx file with the information about the raceing trail to the website You will then be entered into the competition and will have a chance to win a prize. If more of you decide to participate in the race, we will need an individual gpx file from each of you.

5) Rewards

Receive an attractive prize after fulfilling the conditions.

Every single entry with a completed trail has a chance to win a prize. The more entries, the bigger the chance to win.

The main prize: a Garmin sports watch, a weekend stay at hotel Crocus and more great prizes.

Virtual race Štrbské Pleso

Virtual races on selected routes in the region of Strba and Strbske Pleso. By participating you will be able to win the GARMIN FORERUNNER 245 MUSIC sports watch.

Virtual race Štrbské Pleso is Implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.

Virtual race Vysoké Tatry

Another annual virtual race is taking place on selected running, Nordic walking, ski mountaineering and cycling trails in the High Tatras. Through your participation, you will also support the marking process and maintenance of trails in the Tatras.